After Care Instructions

Post-Facial Dos and Don’ts

  • No matter what treatment you get, you can follow the post-facial dos and don’ts below to ensure excellent, long-lasting results.Dos:•Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and help flush out toxins.
    •Try not to touch your face or other treated areas
    •Avoid makeup for at least the rest of the day. While this isn’t 100% necessary, applying makeup right after a facial is not ideal and may clog your recently deep-cleaned pores.
    •Wait at least two to three days before using active skincare treatments or products that could irritate your skin or increase skin sensitivity. That means no toners, exfoliants, new products, or acne treatments. You should also avoid products with vitamin C and retinol.
    •Stay out of direct sunlight and avoid high heat. Some products used during your treatment may make you more sensitive to the sun.
    •Take some time to relax and let your skin rest.
    •Make sure to use a clean pillowcase and clean towels. This will help keep dirt and oils out of your pores.

    Don’ts:•Wash your face or take a shower until at least six hours after your treatment. The serums and treatments need to have time to absorb into your skin completely.
    •Forget to use sunscreen with noncomedogenic ingredients. Sunscreen is always a must, but make sure your post-facial sunscreen is noncomedogenic, meaning it won’t clog your pores.
    •Exercise right after your treatment. Sweating will remove the serums that are still being absorbed into your skin.
    •Swim or apply water or steam to your face until at least six hours after your treatment. As with exercise and sweating, applying water or steam will remove the skincare products before they’re fully absorbed.
    •Pick at your skin. While you should never do this, it’s especially important to avoid it after a facial when your skin is at its most sensitive.
    •Wax, shave, or pluck hair in the treated area for at least a few days after treatment, as this can inflame your hair follicles.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions you may have!

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